2014 continues to be a busy year for our design and installation teams as cemeteries operating our Cemetery Villages™ are building on their success and are requiring further phases of development to be initiated.

The success behind our Cemetery Village™ schemes lies with welters’® philosophy of providing high quality, affordable and reliable services for all elements of a project. From consultation, scheme design, product manufacture and installation to aftercare support, maintenance and full interment support services, all provided in-house without the need for sub-contractors or risky secondary company partnerships.
This means we can offer a low risk, low investment, low level phased approach with the lowest unit cost, using product and components manufactured or assembled at our own UK facility.

All our cast stonework is manufactured using natural stone materials from local and sustainable resources and our in-house designers can provide clients the best original designs, facilitating the ability to offer the most competitive rates locally ensuring connectivity with their user base and ultimately a maximised continuous revenue stream using specialist knowledge for re-use, cultural, and practical solutions on an on-going basis.
For ultimate for client control, and revenue return, choose welters®.