Setting the Standard for Future Burial Provision

In the continual pursuit for the ultimate in desirability and function versus cost, our latest cemetery village scheme has been specified with a surface finish using amber flint resin bonded gravel specifically developed to be integrated with our edging profiles for removable burial chamber lid systems.Edging specifications can be concrete, timber or the very latest in sustainable aluminium profiled edging systems.
This specification enhances the value of the overall scheme and the individual value of each Exclusive Right of Burial and the unit cost per chamber/grave space is easily off-set against re-sale value to provide an affordable top end look, feel and function to these unique purposeful and elegant cemetery sections.

This specification enhances the value of the overall scheme and the individual value of each Exclusive Right of Burial and the unit cost per chamber/grave space is easily off-set against re-sale value to provide an affordable top end look, feel and function to these unique purposeful and elegant cemetery sections.